Freya Twigden, Founder of Fix8

Join us in the 6th installment of our Friends With Leafage series where we sit down (virtually) with Freya, founder of Fix8. Born from a creative expression of quite a healthy Kombucha addiction, we catch up with Freya about her Fix8 journey, the benefits a can of Kombucha can bring, and how she’s been looking after herself during the start of the new year. We hope you love our chat!

Hey Freya, thanks so much for joining us on Friends With Leafage today! Before we get started, we’d love for you to share a little more about yourself and your brand, Fix8?

A pleasure - thanks so much for having me!

I’m Freya Twigden, the founder of Fix8 - we make craft kombucha and i’m on a mission to get people drinking less sugary soda and more of the good stuff! Fix8 came about after I discovered kombucha living in Shanghai. I was studying Traditional Chinese Medicine and one week the doctor bought in some of her homebrewed kombucha. I thought... WTF is that?! I tried some and it blew me away. The combination of a fizzy, refreshing soft drink coupled with health benefits by the dozen (probiotics for the gut, polyphenols & antioxidants) - I became obsessed! When I returned to the UK I started to brew kombucha (literally) under my university desk and it has gone from there really.

Fix8 is a play off the word to ‘fixate’ upon something good in life. In a world ‘fixated’ often on the negative (sugar, social media.. A pandemic!), we’re here to champion the positive fixations whatever that might be for you - maybe movement, meditation, making terrarium’s! Or in my case - kombucha!

Our liquid is craft brewed (by hand) and this stands us aside from much of the commercialised kombucha offerings on the market. Quality and flavour is king for us! But, we’re certainly not a ‘worthy’ kombucha and hence this inspired the branding to be fun, colourful and playful as opposed to medicinal or beer looking as was often found in the kombucha category. We love mixing kombucha in a cocktail as much as we love drinking it on a hangover!

It’s also super easy and fun to try making your own kombucha. On impulse, as a response to the pandemic we created homebrewing kits so now you can bring the craft of fermentation into your own home!

What does a typical day as the founder of a start-up drinks brand look like?

My alarm goes off about 5.30. I’ve been meditating for a few years so that’s a non-negotiable for me (and trust me, i’m much nicer in the mornings once i’ve done it!). Meditation, movement then coffee!

We have a team meet every day at 9.30am which during lockdown has been valuable to keep the team connected and check in. We’re like a small family now!

The day is usually spent working on different projects within the business - from strategy, business development of new accounts to investor meetings. No two days are the same!

In a nutshell: Kombucha is a fermented tea drink. It’s unique in flavour with a refreshing acidity from the fermentation. I always say it’s where Coke and Coconut Water meet on an axis: fizzy freshement coupled with functional benefits. Winning!

There is so much goodness in an authentic kombucha! L-Theanine from the tea is great for brain function. Antioxidants for the immune system. Polyphenols and probiotic bacteria for the gut. There is a huge connection between our gut microbiome and brain function, and it’s estimated that over 90% of our serotonin is produced in the digestive tract - so it’s important to feed it with a whole host of goodness, like Fix8.


Fix8 kombucha kits 


At Leafage, we’re all about nurturing through nature, so we wondered if you have a favourite houseplant or outdoor space to visit?

Now more than ever - I appreciate nature. Long lockdown walks feel like balm for a stressful day. I live in East London and over the first lockdown spent some time discovering foraging - I was blown away by all the abundant edible plants on my doorstep. Wild rocket along the canal, mushroom, wild cabbage and herbs from Hackney Marshes. I spent a lot of time with John The Poacher who has really inspired me and opened my eyes to the abundance of nature on my doorstep!

Lastly, as we’ve all been at home a lot during the last 12 months, have you adapted any new routines or rituals to keep your wellbeing in check?

This might sound a bit silly, but i’ve taken up watching TV! Before lockdown, I think the chaos of running a start up meant down time was really precious and I would rarely (if ever) watch TV. One year I actually made it my new years resolution ‘to watch more tv’. During lockdown 1 I cruised through Sex and The City, most recently I just finished watching Breaking Bad and holy moly that is going to be hard to beat. Now i’m onto Ozark.

I’ve also started ‘The 6 minute journal’ - it’s 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening to bookend my day and reflect on my goals, what i’m grateful for and highlight a ‘good deed of the day’. It’s helpful to start and end the day with gratitude when there is so much uncertainty in the world, but also so much to be grateful for.

The 6 minute journal

And finally…

Favourite flavour Kombucha?
Strawberry Tulsi Fix8

Describe yourself in one word?

Name a book you’ve read that’s positively shaped you?
The Obstacle Is The Way (by Ryan Holiday)

If you could be any houseplant, what would it be?
A Pothos.. Ever-growing!

Something you'd love to do more of?
Travel (And learn french)

Name your favourite podcast(s)?
I’m a bit of a sucker for The Tim Ferris Show

If you weren’t doing your current job, what would you be doing instead?
Oo that’s a tough one. I’d probably still be working in food or nutrition, I'm a big believer in Ayurveda and would love to live in India at some point.


Stay connected with Fix8 via Instagram and Website.

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